Progress in Biomedicine
This book explains the progress in biomedicine from the beginning of immunology attributed to the work of E. Jenner who devised a vaccine against smallpox, to the recent new developed disease therapies based on molecular biology of the cell and immunology. This book furthermore explains the progress in the recent therapies (near-infrared photoimmunotherapy, checkpoint blockade immunotherapy and CAR T cell therapy) against cancer which is the most common fatal disease in industrialized countries, developed intending to solve the problems of removing cancer drug’s side effects and bringing a cure for cancer to completion for which cancer patients expect with enthusiasm.

- 分類
- 表題
- Progress in Biomedicine
- 執筆者
- Tadayoshi Shioyama
- 版型
- B6
- 頁数
- 165頁
- 発行日
- 978-4-89467-464-6
- 価格
- 2970円(税込)
Table of Contents (excerpt)
1. Human Cells
2. Cell Cycle
3. Immune System
4. Vaccination
5. Treatment for Cancer
6. NIR Photoimmunotherapy
7. Checkpoint Blockade
8. CAR-T Cell Therapy
About the Author